Why Is My Baby Waking Up at Night Again

Who this article is for:

  • You have a 4-6 calendar month sometime baby waking every 2 hours
  • You lot have a seven-9 month erstwhile infant waking every 2 hours
  • You accept any kind of baby waking every few hours and need to know when information technology will stop!
  • You demand a slumber training plan for your baby

Two hours seems to be the magic (and dreaded) number of hours many babies will slumber before waking again. All. Night. Long.

You might have noticed (we certainly have) that this tends to happen more than beyond the 4 month mark, merely it can certainly happen for younger babies too. This commodity looks at the key factors behind why your babe might be waking every 2 hours overnight, specially from midnight onwards.

Please note that we are not referring to newborn babies waking for feeds every couple of hours, which is quite normal and expected. Instead, we are referring to those babies who had possibly started sleeping longer stretches at night, between four-6 hours at a time, so all of a sudden started waking every ii hours. Or babies who take been sleeping well between bedtime and midnight and and so waking 2-hourly later on that, or babies who have connected to wake two-hourly well beyond the newborn phase.

We also have to say that the purpose of this article isn't to discourage feeding your baby overnight or to advise you to force your baby to sleep through the night if they aren't ready. Nosotros simply want to share our knowledge of what tin can cause this overnight change in your infant's sleep cycles and some possible ways around information technology, if you're interested.

Our Ultimate and Sleep and Nutrition Program also helps to take the guesswork out of why your baby is ofttimes waking overnight and gives you access to Certified Sleep Consultants in the Little Ones Village if you demand further support.

Let'southward outset by looking at your half-dozen-12 week sometime infant:

At this age, your baby's sleep and slumber cycles are however relatively immature and they volition more easily drift between sleep cycles in the 24-hour interval, pregnant y'all can often achieve nice long naps (although some babies can actually oversleep!). Past effectually 6 weeks your baby volition hopefully take started consolidating their sleep into more noticeable awake and nap periods in the day and might well have begun sleeping in longer stretches overnight. Their nighttime-time sleep cycles are 4-six hours long and this is why, at well-nigh this historic period, your babe might start doing these longer stints at night, waking but in one case or twice for a feed. You lot'll get-go to experience like a new person once again after coming through the catchy and exhausting newborn phase! Nosotros often see parents whose babies accept been sleeping like champs, sometimes through the whole nighttime, by around 12 weeks. Until...

Your baby's slumber and slumber cycles are however relatively immature at this age. They will more hands drift between sleep cycles in the day, meaning you tin can oftentimes achieve overnice long naps (although some babies can actually accept too much sleep during the day!).

Past around half dozen weeks, your baby will hopefully take started consolidating their slumber into more noticeable awake and nap periods in the day and might well have begun sleeping in longer stretches overnight. Their dark-time sleep cycles at this historic period are around 4-six hours long, and this is why your baby might starting time doing these longer stints at dark, waking simply once or twice for a feed. When this happens, you lot feel similar a new person again after coming through the tricky and exhausting newborn phase!

Suppose that hasn't happened, and your baby is waking every two hours overnight. In that instance, there are many possible reasons for this, including hunger, under or overtiredness, their startle reflex waking them, trapped wind, reflux or an issue in the sleep environment. We'll get through some of these factors in more than item towards the end of this article.

By effectually 12 weeks, some babies will have been sleeping like champs, sometimes fifty-fifty through the whole night! Until...

Somewhere around 4 months (aka the sleep regression):

Across 12 weeks and around 4 months, your baby'south sleep neurology matures. This is commonly chosen the 4 calendar month slumber regression as it certainly appears to be a regression in their daytime napping and their nighttime-time sleep, especially if y'all'd gotten used to the longer sleep stretches at night. What happens at this signal is your baby'southward sleep has dramatically changed to be more organised into defined slumber cycles. The daytime cycles change first - your infant's level of arousal betwixt their daytime cycles is increased, meaning they tin can starting time to fully wake at the finish of each sleep cycle, which is around 45 minutes. Sound familiar? This is known equally catnapping: sleeping for i sleep cycle at a time, all 24-hour interval long. Read our article for more info on catnapping and some ways effectually information technology. At this point, your infant, although catnapping in the day, might still be doing practiced long chunks of sleep overnight. Many people are happy to tolerate the shorter 24-hour interval sleeps considering the nights are still manageable. Until that changes too...

Across 12 weeks and effectually iv months, your baby's sleep neurology matures. This is commonly called the 4 calendar month slumber regression as it certainly appears to be a regression in their daytime napping and their dark-time sleep, peculiarly if you'd gotten used to the longer sleep stretches at night. What happens at this point is your baby's sleep has dramatically changed to exist more than organised into defined slumber cycles.

The daytime cycles change beginning - your babe's level of arousal between their daytime cycles is increased, significant they can start to fully wake at the end of each slumber cycle, which is around 45 minutes. Sound familiar? This is known as catnapping: sleeping for i sleep bike at a fourth dimension, all 24-hour interval long. Read THIS commodity for more info on catnapping and some ways effectually it.

At this betoken, your baby, although catnapping in the solar day, might even so be doing good long chunks of sleep overnight. Many people are happy to tolerate the shorter naps because the nights are nevertheless manageable. Until that changes too…

Effectually 4 months, your baby may start waking every ii hours overnight because their sleep cycles take matured and shortened to be merely 2 hours in length, after which they will enter a very light sleep stage and easily wake, ofttimes needing assistance get back to slumber. The solution to this is to encourage "self-settling" so that your baby can happily migrate off back to sleep on their ain.

Waking up at dark between 4-6 months:

Between 4 - half-dozen months, if your baby is already self-settling, yous may experience them having a noisy resettle every two hours where they will wake and cry briefly and then go back to sleep. If they aren't cocky-settling yet or something else is bothering them, they will often wake up completely and need your help to become back to sleep. Every 2 hours.


Once your babe has reached the slumber milestone of their daytime and night-fourth dimension cycles maturing, their sleep habits and sleep associations really come up into play. This ways that if your baby has learnt to go to sleep by being actively settled, i.e. by y'all feeding or rocking them to slumber or by using a pacifier (that they cannot however supervene upon themselves), they will starting time to need that method replicated every time they wake betwixt slumber cycles in the 24-hour interval (45 minutes) and at night (2 hours); it is the only way they know how to go to sleep and go dorsum to sleep.

Many babies this age can acquire slumber cues and associations to assistance them fall asleep without the need to be actively settled; things such every bit white noise, having a dark room, a consistent bedtime/nap routine and having age-appropriate awake times are all corking ways to encourage your baby to self-settle to sleep.

Self-settling means that your infant tin can happily drift off to sleep independently when all the conditions for sleep are lined up. They will likewise be able to resettle themselves dorsum to sleep when they naturally wake between sleep cycles in the day and overnight, meaning that they no longer demand you to actively settle them back to slumber.

Baby waking after midnight:

Many babies will sleep soundly from bedtime until midnight, when we all have our deepest, near restorative sleep, then begin to wake 2-hourly later that. Parents will often assume that this isn't a settling issue, seeing equally their baby can "self-settle" in the earlier office of the night. Simply, unfortunately, information technology's more to exercise with the huge physiological drive to sleep that occurs in the showtime part of the dark.

Between bedtime and midnight, your baby is being pumped total of the sleep hormone melatonin, and their trunk is pushing them strongly towards slumber. They begin their night well, sleeping deeply until around midnight when the melatonin starts to drop out of their system. It continues to diminish between midnight and seven AM and its total disappearance in the morning (also as a ascension in cortisol) is the thing that cues united states of america to wake up. Researchers at The University of the Balearic Islands in Spain accept even constitute that babies fed a special 'night-time' formula that independent tiny amounts of melatonin slept improve in the hours subsequently midnight.

Afterward midnight, your baby is far more than prone to waking fully after each sleep wheel simply because they're in a lighter sleep. So if they cannot settle themselves dorsum to sleep or if anything is bothering them such as hunger, beingness too hot or common cold, sickness, too much light in their room, or they are over or under tired, they volition be very unsettled each time they naturally rouse and need y'all to put them dorsum to sleep. Every 2 hours. All night long.

So what can you practice to encourage some longer stretches of sleep overnight?

Under or Over Tiredness

The first (and easiest) thing you tin practise to improve the 2-hour waking is to ensure your infant isn't waking for reasons that are quite like shooting fish in a barrel to control - such as having as well much or likewise picayune mean solar day sleep. These factors will effect in an unsettled babe between sleep cycles. Our Ultimate Sleep and Nutrition Program will steer you in the correct direction for the best times/lengths for your baby'southward naps to lead to much-improved nighttime-fourth dimension sleep.


Hunger is also an obvious cause of nighttime waking in a baby; still, beyond 4 months, your baby shouldn't need to be feeding 2-hourly overnight, especially if they are able to get longer than this betwixt feeds in the day. If you observe your baby is waking and having a few sucks then falling dorsum asleep, it is more than likely that they are wanting to suck themselves dorsum to slumber rather than needing the milk for nutrition purposes.

Our Ultimate Sleep and Nutrition Programme has several gradual, responsive methods to help your baby learn to go back to sleep without needing you to feed them every two hours.

Sleep Environment

Y'all can also effort making tweaks in your little 1's sleep environment as a quick and like shooting fish in a barrel set. We would recommend having a very dark room with no nightlight (until your petty ane is over 2 years old), using continuous white noise all night long and keeping their plant nursery the ideal temperature for sleep - around 18 degrees Celcius / 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

We also recommend making sure babies under 5 months (who aren't rolling yet) are still swaddled, as this is proven to help them slumber better. Or, apply a baby sleeping handbag for older babies so they tin't kick their blankets off and get cold. Our production recommendations page has excellent swaddles, sleeping bags and coma blinds.


In a higher place all else, your best line of defence against the 2-hr wake is to encourage your baby to cocky-settle at the outset of naps and at bedtime - then resettles during the night should naturally follow suit.

Our Sleep Programs accept helped over 100,000 parents and babies in this exact aforementioned situation to gently and effectively resolve 2-hourly night waking. Helping your baby towards the all-time sleep possible for them is something you can certainly attain; all the information you need is in our Ultimate Slumber and Nutrition Program.

"My baby was a adept dark sleeper just a bad day sleeper. So when she was 4 months old everything inverse. She suddenly was waking up five times a night and I was losing my marbles fast! The sleep deprivation was actually getting to me. I bought this Program and I can not recommend it more highly! I've suddenly gone from a horrible sleeping baby to a babe who is tired on cue and sleeping 11 hours a night. I tin not express what a relief information technology is to know that this works. I was sceptical and hoped it wasn't people only preying on drastic mothers/parents, just I am a existent customer from Brisbane Australia who is happy to say information technology was the best coin I have spent!" - Sally from Australia




Source: https://www.littleones.co/blog/every-2-hours-why-your-baby-wakes-2-hourly-overnight

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